Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Debt Get's In The Way

For years I have wanted a KitchenAid® 5-Quart Artisan™ Stand Mixer ($299.99), but my constant debt has stopped me from being able to buy one.

I have also wanted a Brother PE700II Embroidery Machine ($799.00), but once again my debt got in the way.

I also want to buy a townhouse and fill it with furniture. But, you know.

Debt can stop you from enjoying your life. It can cause you to miss once-in-a-life-time events and opportunities.

I stopped blogging for a while and lost my way with my get out of debt plan, but I am back now and completely recommitted to getting my self out of credit card debt (student loan is a different story).


  1. If you focus on the NEEDS and ignore the WANTS ... you will be richer than you realized.

    This has been a very hard lesson for me to learn, it has taken four years. I think I'm finally there.

    Good Luck.

  2. Why is student loan debt a different story? It is for me, too, I'm just wondering if we have the same reasons....

  3. have you thought of buying used, on Craig's list? do you realize that Kitchen Aid sells another model at Wal mart for only $169? Also, the MixMaster by Sunbeam only sells for $99. That's what I used for 15 years until finally in 2004 I was able to afford a KitchenAid.
    There are other machines that embroider that are less expensive. (I know. I'm a sewer)
    Debt isn't keeping you from your goals. Playing victim is.

  4. Just wait until you get married, i bet you'll get a Kitchenaid mixer as a gift :) I know its hard to put off wants when paying off debt... it has been a huge struggle for me, but I found the few times I did give into wants that I just felt guilty and then disappointed when I didn't see my debt go down as planned! After numerous times going through that cycle, I just decided that I wanted to be debt free more than I wanted anything! And once my loans are gone at the end of 2010, then I can start buying again.. Until that point, I LET myself want stuff - I just dont let myself buy them :) yet!
